"Battle of the Saints I" is a three-dimensional role-playing game.
era of dominance in the forces of darkness, the whole world was covered with thick darkness. Damage and destruction play a dominant role in the world, interpretive law of the jungle. Daybreakers entered into a battle with the forces of darkness. People have found a way to block the source of darkness, led by Sage. And there were three characters who will have to collect all the old energy.
Forward! Pick up your weapons, fight for the house, for peace, for the sky.
era of dominance in the forces of darkness, the whole world was covered with thick darkness. Damage and destruction play a dominant role in the world, interpretive law of the jungle. Daybreakers entered into a battle with the forces of darkness. People have found a way to block the source of darkness, led by Sage. And there were three characters who will have to collect all the old energy.
Forward! Pick up your weapons, fight for the house, for peace, for the sky.
Requires firmware above 4.0
Compatibility: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3/4/5-go generation), iPad
Language: English
Requires firmware above 4.0
Compatibility: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3/4/5-go generation), iPad
Language: English
Links for download:
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