Albeit with a delay, but the team has released evasi0n such long-awaited release software to jailbreak Apple devices with firmware iOS 6.0-6.1.2. And now, this utility can be downloaded from theirofficial site or our alternative mirrors:
The new version fixes Evasi0n boot your handheld device. Now they will load much faster!
In order to jailbreak your iDevaysa need a PC running Windows, Linux or MacOS X, the device, USB-cable and a little time. Always make a backup copy of all your data via iTunes!
WARNING!: Update "on air" jailbroken phone does not work, respectively, first make a backup of your devaysa, and then install iOS 6.1.2 via the "Restore" in iTunes, then run the jailbreak.
- Evasi0n not work if the unit is in the passcode
- If you set a password on the backup in iTunes, disconnect it
- if you've done tethered jailbreak with redsn0w, or use evasi0n. Instead, install the package evasi0n 6.x Untether from Cydia: Then turn off the device, and (most recently), run it through a tethered boot.
Start evasi0n, connect the device to your computer using USB-cable, and then follow the instructions in the program. During jailbreak skrinboarda need to open with a special application: During the procedure, you can not run iTunes, Xcode, and it is better not to touch your computer. Now wait for the process! That's it!
WARNING!: Whatever you do, you do at your own risk.
How to install applications from the App for iPhone
Status: Freeware / Cracked
On our website there are many programs for the iPhone from the App Store. And already inundated with questions about how to install these applications. So now explain both methods of installation! It is very simple, so here we go: First, make sure that you have installed the hacked firmware 2.0 using WinPWN or otherwise. Because the game from the App Store installed only on this firmware. Okay, go ahead. Now we go to Cydia and install MobileTerminal - With this application you will communicate with the iPhone commands. Next, download any file with cracked app .
Option 1: If we see inside the archive folder whose name ends in ". app" , then act according to the following scheme: 1. Throws folder on the phone with the iPhone Manager and iPhone Browseror another browser in private / var / stash / Applications. (hereinafter referred to at all in different ways, I Applications.82X3Wf, remember the name of the folder, then it is useful), and create a folder called \ "Documents \" (if not created) in / var / Mobile / * there is an interesting point - the one of my iPhone directory private / var / stash absent. For this reason, I just downloaded a folder with the application in / Applications /! But the system partition little space is required to use this utility BossTool 2.0 from Cydia, which will take the entire contents of the folder / Applications / in the custom section! * 2. Reboot your phone or Respring 3.MobileTerminal go in and write su root - press enter 4. Enter the password alpine (nothing will appear, so be it) - press enter 5. Next, write cd / var / stash / Applications. (as uvas), for me this line will look like this: cd / var / stash / Applications .82 X3Wf - press enter 6. So we got to the folder Applications.82X3Wf (I), there are system software and applications you installed not from AppStore. Now we will set the permissions for the folder ***. App 7. pishim this line chmod-R 775 ***. app - click the entry. Finish. * In my case, when I put the application in a folder / Applications /, prescribed in the terminal line: cd / Applications / chmod + x tetristouch As you may have realized, I put tetris. So, too, is working. *
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